Sunday, January 9, 2011

More about yesterday's shooting

This is a comment on NPR's story about Jared Lee Loughner.

Eddie Jordan (skidro) wrote:
The people are sick of the government acting outside of the Original Constitution. Our Constitution has been ammended so many times that the founding fathers would not even undderstand it. While I feel sorry for the victims here there is, without doubt, a revolution coming to this country that would make the civil war look like a huntiing accident. It is not illegal to say you are going to kill 500 people, unless you name at least one. "Load them muskets and get behind the walls boys, theys a revolution a brewin and shine to be drank". It had to start somewhere. Sorry, thats just how I feel!
January 9, 2011 1:16:24 PM EST

I don't have a snappy response. I'm sorry too that that's how "Eddie Jordan" feels.

I read a lot of comments, both before and after the sheriff's press conference, about how use of violent imagery in political commentary/campaigning may have contributed to this crime, andjust as many saying, in effect, "They didn't mean it literally, no one could've predicted that something like this could happen!" There was even a post defending Sarah Palin's "target map" because "it didn't have bulls eyes, it had surveyor's marks."

Oooohh! Thank you for clarifying! I thought that Sarah Palin was all about "reload," but now I see that she was evoking the powerful, universally-meaningful symbol of the surveyor! I don't know anyone who wouldn't immediately, at a gut level, get that. Now, I know that Sarah Palin's fans are all highly literate, and well-versed in the arts of symbolism and metaphor*, so it's hard for them to believe that there would be anyoneso obtuse as to misinterpret her words. But that's my point...when you give a speech, you have to think about everyone who will hear it, not just those in your little fucking bubble who have already bought into your bullshit. You have** to have some kind of editing process in which you think through how effectively your words convey your intended meaning, and if they could be misconstrued. You don't just assume you can say whatever you want, and everyone who hears will know exactly what you mean! Yes, it seems like Jared Lee Loughner was mentally abnormal. But even mentally sound individuals turn cruel when they are constantly bombarded by words of hate and violence.***

*Not really.
**Ok, you don't have to, obviously; you can have verbal diarrhea instead (I'm looking at you, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann!).
***I wish people would act like words mean things, because they do.

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