Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crisis of the day, immigration edition

So today I stayed home to read because there was nothing in the lab that I had to do. I was reading a paper in bed when my cell phone rang; I only answered because I recognized the area code as being from Newark, where Alejandro used to work with his BIL. It was Enrique, who said he desperately needed to speak with Alejandro. After I handed the phone to my husband, I heard a female voice, and immediately realized that I had been duped into participation in yet another of Marisol's fucking dramas.
Today the crisis is that she was calling from or from near a USCIS field office, and had forgotten her passport. She asked Alejandro, who of course immediately agreed because she's his siiister, to go to her house (20' away)' find the fucking passport, and fax it somewhere. Yes, it is easy enough to forget something when you have to take a whole fucking library of papers and forms to USCIS every trip, but Marisol is the bitch who told me, shortly after we got married, that alejandro's papers were our problem now, and she was washing her hands of them because Alejandro was an adult and she had her own life to worry about. (FTR I have no disagreement with this; I thought, and still think, that it is perfectly reasonable because I'm the one petitioning for A. to become a permanent resident and eligible for employment and enrollment in a university.*) I just think it's an interesting double standard - she's not responsible for his papers,** but in a pinch, he's responsible for hers.

*Especially since she already fucked his status up enough by panicking when his car, with papers inside, was stolen, instead of just having him fill out the form to replace lost or stolen documents. And why did she panic? Well, at the time she was 5 months pregnant and if Alejandro had to leave the country, Enrique wouldn't be able to go to every damn dcotor's appointment with her because he'd have to run his own damn business. So all the problems with his papers are basically her fault because she was self-centered.
**Seriously, I don't mind. She has already done enough damage.


It has been about 5 hours since Alejandro went to send the fucking faxes. It wasn't just his dear siiiiiister's passport. It was also her husband's passport, and all their other immigration-related documents. It would have taken them less time to drive home and get the papers, then drive back to the field office. And it would've cost less too, since it was $96.75 at Staples.

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