1. Desiring children with the man you love is as natural as breathing.
Well, if it is natural, it must be good. (Did you know that it is also natural to want to have multiple sexual partners? To be prejudiced?) This is one of the oldest fallacies in the book.
2. The experience of delivering a new life to the world is singularly exhilarating. If you fear pain, there's this lovely thing called an epidural.
You think that this is my objection?! Let me share a secret with you: I am a determined person. If I am in pursuit of a goal, I can handle a lot of pain. And really, I don't have any doubts that if I wanted to have children, I would be very capable of handling the pain, as women have done for many thousands of years.
3. Breastfeeding: it's not only economical, efficient, and good for the baby, but it releases hormones that relax and calm both mother and child, lulling both of you to sleep. Who wouldn't want a natural nap-inducer?
Someone who wants to do something with her life, not sleep it away?
4. The world doesn't revolve around me and my daily desires.
No? A lot of this list sure seems to.
5. Every human being has dignity and worth.
I absolutely agree with this statement. I just don't see it as a reason to create new humans in order to meet my needs for love and fulfillment.
6. A child is an unbreakable bond between husband and wife. Love breeds love. And more love. And more. There's nothing more desirable than the father of your children.
Hahahahaha! Yes, I have heard that if your marriage might be shaky, bringing a child into it will definitely make it all better.
7. A couple becomes a family -- the whole becomes greater than its parts.
My husband and I are a family.
8. Having a child is a cooperation with the sacred.
Or nature. Whichever.
9. Children are some of the most charming little people I know: full of wonder, curiosity and innate kindness. Properly nurtured, they become equally charming adults.
And so...? Again, I'm not necessarily disagreeing that children's minds aren't interesting. I just don't see how this leads to the conclusion that I should have a child.
10. You get to read all the favorite books of your childhood all over again.
I do this without procreating.
11. Children naturally grasp the lesson that people are more important than things.
Uh, no they don't.
12. Children teach us the freedom that comes with self-discipline and self-sacrifice.
Many jobs and lifestyles involve self-discipline and sacrifice.
13. The biggest drudgery is facing no one but myself day after day.
Lady! Get a life! There are people "out there" on earth who have already been born! You don't have to make another one just to keep yourself entertained.
14. I am not ideal ... why should I expect my children to be? Kids teach us the joy of unconditional love and acceptance.
And the agony of rejection.
15. I will inevitably disappoint my children because I am not perfect. But, along the way, I'll be able to teach them that -- while nothing on this side of heaven is perfect -- the journey and the perfection that awaits us are worth every moment of trial on earth.
That doesn't mean you have to go out looking for trials.
16. To remain or become a self-centered, self-enclosed egotist: what horror!
Hey, you're the one talking about having a child just to entertain yourself.
17. Taking time to care for the gifts I've been given ... yes, thank you.
Again, the world is full of people, but you don't seem to be very interested in caring for them.
18. Motherhood is a vocation: fulfilling, rewarding, and full of unpredictable surprises.
So is being a scientist.
19. Families: they are a reflection of the Trinity.
Wait, I thought Trinity meant there were 3. Vide infra reason #37.
20. Relive childhood and all of its innocent wonder and mirth.
Did you know that not everyone has a childhood full of innocent wonder and mirth? You know all those missing children posters? Those kids are missing because there are predators in the world. That's part of childhood, too.
21. To persist in saying "me first" is a sign of immaturity.
You mean as in, "me, I need a companion! Me! I need to be fulfilled!"
22. A child will ignite the fond memories of your own childhood.
As will a scrapbook or photo album...
23. While you cannot ensure that your child will be happy 100% of the time, the desire for her happiness is a good, admirable and unselfish thing.
Not wanting to have children has nothing to do with what I desire for children in general.
24. The enchantment of being with one's children outweighs any and all other difficulties.
Keep telling yourself that. For myself, I will avoid creating the difficulties in the first place.
25. If you worry about sending them off to school, homeschooling is a delightful, intellectually stimulating option.
I actually laughed out loud when I read this. The homeschoolers I've met seem anything but intellectually stimulated or stimulating.
26. Do something to change the world. Have a child. Raise a saint.
Or have a child, raise a serial killer.
27. Revel in the simplicity of a child's unconditional love and trust.
But not just any child? It has to be your child?
28. Parenting will soften your hard edges and sharpen your compassion and empathy.
Yeah, I guess because I'm not a Mom I just don't care when I see suffering.
29. Motherhood is an insight into one's soul. It's better than analysis.
Yes, it has obviously made you very insightful.
30. Success is not defined only in terms of what one does for money. To succeed as a mother is beyond worldly success.
What I do at work is also not just for the big bucks (b/c I don't get them, haha). I find research intrinsically rewarding.
31. When your husband becomes the father of your children, a new man appears: fiercely loving but practical and still-logical, nurturing but fiercely strong and protective. You will fall in love with him all over again.
Sometimes. And sometimes the father is outta there before the baby is even born.
32. The child to whom you give life may be the one to fight the culture of death and the notion of a brave new world.
True. Or he could be the next mass-murdering, sadistic despot or a serial killer. They were children once, too.
33. "How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers." -- Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
According to your religion, children have souls. Flowers don't. And I hate to be so practical, but children require slightly more attention than flowers.
34. Children whittle away your time in ways that are ultimately beneficial: they have an uncanny knack for getting rid of the meaningless hobbies that used to consume you.
You mean meaningless stuff like my personal interests? Causes I care about? I don't want that to be whittled away, thank you.
35. Watching a child grow into a caring, sensitive soul is a reward that cannot be measured in book sales.
Once again, you forget that every predator was once a child. Many mothers have the pain not only of seeing their children grow into people who reject their values, but cause others great pain, too.
36. It's an awe-inspiring thing to have a child and the experience of feeling, "I didn't think I could ever love anyone that much."
Because every non-mom is shallow. I know.
37. Already have a child? Have another. Siblings are the best birthday presents, Christmas presents, Father's Day presents, Arbor Day presents ....
"Mommy and Daddy Are Bored with You" Day presents...
38. Baby toes. Need I say more?
Yeah, an explanation would be helpful.
39. Okay, I'll say more. Watching your baby sleep: You didn't know that angels could be held in your arms.
Just because a creature is not big or strong enough to defy you doesn't mean that it is an angel.
40. Worried about money? What's worth more than a soul?
Worried about logic? ...obviously not.